
Roberto Fiorini

Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun di industri perhotelan, Roberto Fiorini telah bekerja dengan berbagai koki terkenal dari seluruh dunia yang meliputi Mauro Uliassi, Gordon Ramsay, Ferran Adria dan Luis Andoni. Roberto juga sebelumnya bekerja sebagai koki pribadi untuk Raja Salman dari Arab Saudi.<hr class="hr-mentor">Chef Roberto Fiorini is known for his vast experience in the culinary world. With more than 20 years of experience in the hospitality industry, he has worked with various well-known chefs from around the world which include Mauro Uliassi, Gordon Ramsay, Ferran Adria and Luis Andoni. Roberto has also previously worked as private chef for King Salman of Saudi Arabia.